We have a winner! And let me just say, the winner wasn't the one that submitted the MOST pictures, either. She submitted some that were just worth more than what other people had submitted. There were specifics (which I'll post later) about some that I was looking for. For instance, name brands, creativity, originality- that sort of stuff.
SO! Congratulations to MAGENTA MOON!!
You have won the very first Feisty Foto Contest. You've won a printed and bound copy of the Freaky Temptation manuscript. This will be the one that includes the "fanfic" names, not the one that will be published, mind you. It's the original. It's my baby. :)
Here are the scores. It was damn close.
Magenta Moon......108
Blue Halo.........107
Violet Bunny.......95
Cyan Storm.........88
Sapphire Heart.....59
Honeydew Dancer....42
Blazing Flower.....40
Sage Fire..........38
Purple Giggles.....15
Sage Fire..........38
Purple Giggles.....15
Midnight Star.......5
Midnight Fucshia....3
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I can't believe it! :D *happy dance* I'm SOOO excited!!!!!!
One point!!! one friggin point! congrats Sarah!
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