Thursday, September 23, 2010

Contest Idea!

I have an idea what we can do. Let me run this by you guys. Either answer on Twitter on here. :) Preferably on here so I can keep all the responses in one place. Though, I may serve up some copy/pasta for Tweets (this is your warning that if you tweet me in regards to this you're allowing me post your tweet here on this blog).

A photo scavenger hunt.

Each person will create a label with their code name given to you by yours truly. Size to be determined.

I will give you a list of items. You will then find that item, whether it's around your house or you're in WalMart or at the mall... When you find that item, you place your label next to it and snap a picture!

The person to gather the most items, wins. If you complete all items first before the time expires, then you win!

The items MUST be real items and not pictures of them. You have to be the one taking the picture. That's what the label is for, to prove that you're the one that took that picture. Do not lose the label. If the labels look different, then I'm going to assume you had other people looking out for you!

For example

ITEM: Zebra print pillow

Scenario: You're in Bed, Bath and Beyond (because, really, who can't spend 3 hours in that store?) and you spot a *gasp* zebra print pillow. You whip out your handwritten label and place it on the pillow. Take a picture! Upload the picture to me at a specialized email address! (If you took it with your digital camera and not your phone, then you'll put it on your computer first, obviously, then send it to me via email to that email address)

At the end of every week, I will post every one's progress using their code name. It's up to you if you want to share your name or not.

It'll be fun.

I can either do this or a trivia contest. I thought this would be fun though.

I would plan this for Nov 1st - Nov 30th. During that time I'm going to be writing on the NaNo and taking a hiatus from the Freaky saga. :)

What do you guys think?

AFTERTHOUGHT: Some clues may be riddles. For example: picture of the stone K uses to control Joe when they're "playing the game".


jennifer said...

I think your idea totally rocks!! Can I be like codename Dildo?? lol

macfeisty said...

@jennifer blue dildo?

Anonymous said...

Count me in Dooooode!!

macfeisty said...

@kaffy do you even know what you're playing the game for?? you have to have read my story! :P

macfeisty said...

Copy/Pasted from Twitter:

@ETown_Melly said: @mac_feisty sounds fun to me!!!

@no_surprises said: @mac_feisty Great idea. I'm following your blog now.

jennifer said...

totes a blue one!! lmao

Anonymous said...

I'm totes down with this :)

Unknown said...

I love the idea!

Erin said...

Sounds like fun!

Aunt Jenni said...


deb's 'verse said...

best contest ever! and the riddles.. perfecto-mundo! (it's cuz i know the answer to the one above..hope they are all like that.) lol. soooo diggin it! can't wait to see what code names you come up with. lmao! yay!

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